Monday, June 23, 2008

some lame photoshoot with my sis
school re-open and i got caught for the very first time in my whole entire life, for having long fringe. I was so shocked cause my fringe is not that long actually. so mdm yati startled me first by asking me about my fringe. than mr soong came into the picture. and lastly, mrs kok who says i need to comb my hair. so yeah, first day of school and i'm officially dead.
term 3 gonna be very fast. so yeah, the stress and everything will come into place and let see how my face look like during the examination season.
With Love(:
Monday, June 23, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day celebration at Sakura Buffet!
so yeah, the picture says it all.
been doing holiday assignments and some revision here and there.
With Love(:
Monday, June 16, 2008
Friday, June 06, 2008
SO MUCH DRAMAThat is how my day started. Really, theres alot of drama. especially during our 1 and a half hour break :) finally im free from school!! at LAST!
so yeah, kinda slack here and there. what to do when you have 2 weeks intensive during the nice SHORT holidays which is meant to be my rest and of course self study period at home!
background music in the mall during the 1 1/2 hour break: apologiesme "diana, its too late to apologies after the pinching, smacking and whatever you do to my fats in my stomach. its too late diana... im leaving"
walking awaydiana "oh syafiq, i sure will blog about this and wrote there: FINALLY"
stupid ass. :D
she sucker la she. very dramatic. yeah, so thats how the title at the top got from.
okay wait, junjie, me and rizwanah were very drmatic in the mall. :X
walk out of the mall, saw _________ secondary school. *ehem
i was like being very rude and debate with diana about this:
me" diana can you stop insulting your intelligence?!"
diana " rizwanah, ehich one is better, that or praising you stupidity?"
riz "er praising your stupidity. it sounds nicer :)"
me "what the hell?"
saw an old lady suntanning herself outside the mall. she was like looking up to the sun god and praying to make herself dry. hahas :D
so today yeah, our life is officially labeled as newport habour :)
where is the paparazzi and cameraman when you need one?
With Love(:
Friday, June 06, 2008
Thursday, June 05, 2008
listening to hilary duff: Never Stop :D
have been very busy and tired plus restless everyday! especially today. so suckish :(
you know what, i lost 4 kg for 4 months. im so glad cause its my first time losing down weight. thanks to mr clement for making me run for the 2.4km test. i practice alot of times. amazing!
so went back to band after more than 3 months of not going. :D i miss my tuba. didnt get to play D: but my section is so competent now.
wanna watch showdown. tata.
With Love(:
Thursday, June 05, 2008