Thursday, January 31, 2008
the workshop was so cool!!!
no words can describe the feeling!!!
i cried infront of the stage, i laughed with friends as well as bonded withe the sec 5 students.
the experience is great.
im motivated now and i wanna make my family proud and make those losers who looked down on me who will be surprise to see me achieving something beyond their expectations.
i talked to mdm julinah today and i'm proud to say, i've my goals and im walking towards it, no matter how tough is the challenges and obstacle that i have to go through.
when i fall, i will got back up and walk nearer to my goals.
back to studying just now and its so great to be back with all the positive aura all around me.
though i have to remind myself to have a goodnight sleep. haha
im officially labeled '
kaypo' by THIOZHIXUAN!!! who have the word procrastination written all over her. haha
actually i have no mood to type anything
btw, cummulative frequency is so fun!!!
pamela: when i say 1 you say??!!!
sec5s : 1!!!!
pamela: 2???!!!
sec5s : 2!!!!
pamela: 3???!!!
sec5s : 3!!!!
pamlea: wooooossh!!! *clap hand together*
sec5s : wooooossh!!! *clap hand together*
With Love
With Love(:
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
first day of school.
surprisingly, mr soong is our class form teacher. miss wong have problems to settle.
i think she's sick thats why. but anyway, miss wong is going to teach us Geog and thats a good thing cause shes good in producing A1s in students. haha.
okay just now was kinda boing cause it is always the old same thing during the first day of school. attire check and blahblablah. getting sick and tired of it. well, the class is like so small now cause lotsa people left to pursue their dreams in ITE or higher NITEC.
this year's diciplined is alot higher than the previous o levels batches. we had a one hour attire and grooming talk. its so lame but i think i it will benefit us in some other way.
well im like talking crap now. im so sleepy cause i only had 5 hours of sleep. how sickening can it get when you have to carry on with school life without a proper 8 hours sleep?
oh yarh! i miss THIO ZHIXUAN!!! she left the class! mrs kok put her in 5-3!!!!
like what she said to me just now in the general office, "we can still study togethre right?"
yeah, just like the old times. ahha
talking about old times, i miss four'six'zero'seven!!! its so sad to see a class without dennis and harvin around. well its suppose to be a good thing but if you see the other way round, they're the people that brighten up the class with their usual pranks and jokes.
okay, tomorrow have to start studying already!!! cause achievements starts from now till the end of O levels.
*gosh! its only the first day of school and i talked about Os?
okay, wanna carry on watching Couple or Trouble.
With Love
With Love(:
Wednesday, January 02, 2008