Friday, August 31, 2007
dont know what my life will be without them. they pass their knowledge to us and we as a student should make them proud. but too bad miss wong didnt came.
ergh! our english teacher, mdm rabiah, decided to celebrate with us. even though she's just our language teacher, shes still fun to be around. gaga
so the class party was so cool! i even embarassed myself infront the class. but luckily not the whole class was there, only the people that is close t0 me. haha.
did this music video with diana. we did rihanna ft chris brown, cinderella. ouh yarh, sorry diana for your arm, hitted her with the broom stick. unpurposely. hahah. but this what she get when she messes with me, with the pinching of my stomach and stuff. haha
so everyone contributed to bring something. i brought the balloons. at least i did something.
ouh yarh, xubin sang in class with the music from yu chang mp3 and really thought its his voice as in, he lip synch it. but to my dissapointment, its just a pop singer that has the voice, similar, to xubin's. haha. he even say the voice is his voice. haha.
how dumb can i be. haha
so the concert was okay. it was way too long!!!!! about a few minutes before the end of the concert, i left the hall. oooppsss. drag zx along but she stayed. wow.
didnt go for ss extra class cause it was a repeat of the yesterday lessons on reliability and utility.
With Love
With Love(:
Friday, August 31, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
-everybody's waiting for a day in the sun!
okay gotten back my chemistry, physics, MT and F&N paper.
lets start with F&N!!! i got highest in class! 28.5/40. so A2 already!
whoohooo! but i bet my coursework will pull it down. haha
physics, er 34/50. quite good for me cause i was expecting to fail it. haha.
chemistry, 32.5/50. the paper was terrible. but my MCQ puch me up! haha.
mrs whelan gonna give us chocolate chip cookies to those who ace the test. haha.
MT, wow like seriously i can pass that well. my paper 1, 44/70. paper 2, 43/70. even though its B3 but its like a big improvement for me. never got that kinda mark before.
now waiting for my english, maths and ss.
hope i will pass the exam. hate the feeling of waiting for results. its damn scary.
ouh yarh, need 25/50 for my ss to get A2 for combine humans. hope so.
been slacking and not studying. ergh! gotta study after blogging.
With Love
With Love(:
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
cause miss wong made my day.. wait sentence mistake.
cause my geography paper made my day!
again, yes again! second highest for geog! im uper duper happy!
i got 45/50! highest 46! by one mark. hahah
well let just say me and riz did this "extreme-makeover" kind of thing where they will say
"LET'S DO IT!!!"
okay the scary part is my maths and chemistry. its so scary!
maths i did a lot of mistake for paper 1 and its normal tech paper!
to make things worst, the highest among the level is from the normal tech class.
what a shame.
chemistry i have no comments for it. it just creep me out looking at the paper again.
GOSH! mrs whelan is so gonna kill us, very soon.
now relaxing my mind but have to study after this for my SS tomorrow. incase mr tan gave us a short test or something.
ouh yarh scored 18/30 for my letter writing. im quite pleased with my results. wait till comes maths into the picture. haha.
gotten our class photo and everyone changed! except for some. hhaa.
they either grew or their hair change. haha. ouh wait, or some getting blacker as in
BLACK. no dont get the wrong idea. im not racist.
someone coloured someone's face. thats all. *wink*
hahah. well im gonna get emo now, as in listen to my idol.
if you're my friend, you'll know who im talking about. haha
With Love
With Love(:
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
heyy! my siblings and i did this family blog which is so cool.
that blog is meant to post the events we had that day.
so the upcoming events is my nlevel results, followed by hari raya'07 and lastly shahreens olevel results. so yeah.
ouh ya. the blog is called cheaperbythequarter. hahah
the link is at my links list!
enjoy reading!
With Love
With Love(:
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Thursday, August 09, 2007

-you dont have to be famous to deal with gossips.
which is so totally true!
okay the pic up there is one of singapore's attractions??? haha think so
i put it up there since its like National Day today.
well the parade is like okay, interesting but not that wow.
but improvements from any other NDP!
okay currently chatting with kelkelbysyafiq and raihana.
kelly is just so cute. haha. she really is!
now talking about the sec 5 planning to do a ______ theme.
haha. so cool talking to her.
okay made strawberry fondue for my bro and sis.
hahah. well let just say im the cooker???
ouh gosh i just make the biggest mistake ever!
i ate dad's choc without permission!!!!! should buy it in the morning
felt so guilty! ouh wait im still feeling guilty! (tenses mistake)
okay now i think i wanna sleep.!
im shagged!
With Love
With Love(:
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
-tell me tomorrow everything will be around. ouh please!
im feeling so full from my biggest sin of indulging food, especially fast food!
and yet my mum bought this
"low mai kai" kind of thing and i have to eat it.
another sin just made. :(
haha. im so not gonna follow my instinct again.
i've got 11/20 for my N level 2006 physics MCQ!!!which i am able to get 15 cause i changed my answers the last minute cause i followed my instinct!!!! like so gonna practice hard and prove to everyone im not that
ouh yes! im right. there
IS light pollution. you see im so smart! and diana+zx keep insisting there are no light pollution! haha. actually im not that dumb you know. hahha.
well, stayed after school to do this umberella design. i know its so duper uber lame!
actually we should do a sing-a-long competition for the NDP songs. hahah.
well face the reality syafiq, you're not the councillor anymore! :(
now looking at "mat-minah rep &&& beng²-lian²" profile in friendster. hahaha.
they're so.... *goosebumps* hahah
okay wanna listen to my oh-so-beautiful+pretty Hilary Duff.
hahaha. i so love her. haha
to diana, stop staring at people!!! hahah
With Love
With Love(:
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Saturday, August 04, 2007
heyy! updating with my laptop again!
diana is so happy cause i got the laptop back as i will forget about studies and there will be less competitors in exams.
like i wont okay. i will go back to my nerdy mode after switching off the laptop.
let me see, firstly diana and zx bought skinnies.
okay, fell guilty for not going to the band bbq cause i went out studying with diana and zhixuan at esplanade and guess what we really studied.
finally finish memorising my F&N and SS chapter 3. goody!
so after that grab lunch at suntec macs. hang out there and i went to buy aunty annes pretzel plus chocolate dip. yummiyummi! after that went back to esplanade to catch the ndp parade and end up theres no fireworks which was so dissapointing! ergh wasted our time singing the national anthem and standing straight. haha.
im not going there to celebrate ndp cause theres alot of minahs and mat, bengs and lians. haha. so took pic and everything, went to take train.
ouh yarh, zx and diana embarassed me infront of everybody. actually both of them embarassed themselves. theye were like playing with their hair and making it like a mustache kind of thing and the people sitting infront is like looking. ouh gosh! i was like "can you guys stop it..." while putting my hand over my face. haha
so went to buy bubble tea at admiralty. came home at 10. hahah.
ouh yah i love fried mars with choc ice cream! nice! (:
going to eat there again sometime soon.
basically today is so fun with a capital F. :D
With love
With Love(:
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Friday, August 03, 2007
im like so glad cause i'm now blogging using my laptop!
finally the thing is like working. haha
so been studying notes just now. especially my ss.
er, the house was quite quiet just now. very boring.
my bro went to the library. since today is like a holiday for wrs,
and hence they occupy the whole library. haha
im just so excited to revive the laptop back.
got to go! (:
With love
With Love(:
Friday, August 03, 2007
Thursday, August 02, 2007

those were the dyas (:
okay finally get to blog for like how many days.
er, preliims is like 11 more days and 32 days for Ns.
see how time flies really fast.
okay so this past few days have been laughing with the norm people.
diana especially, shes like my laughing buddy like that.
rizwana is my another laughing buddy. hahaa
okay been laughing at all sorts of things from drama series to jokes that we make up ourselves.
okay, i really have to be serious.
maths getting better, physics not consistent, chem okay, ss getting interesting and geog getting worse! i mean not the subject the "40-year-old-virgin" standing infront. hahaha
its like seriously, she dont have to show her trantrum by not teaching. its just that we have the answers but scared to shout it out as most probably, she will say "inrelevant"
been very random lately. been asking stupid question. been laughing at stuff that is not funny.
i think its the side effects of sitting beside md noor cause he talk randomly, he ask stupid question. and the laughing part its diana's fault. haha. jkjk. but its kinda fun being that.
omg im so random! + gibberish.
okay wanna watch this movie called the "but im a cheerleader"
hahah. sounds cool.
prelims 11 days left.
With love
With Love(:
Thursday, August 02, 2007