Monday, July 23, 2007

-starbuck's hot chocolate!
going there later!
okay, so here i am updating.
theres no topic for today, just the usual. school and stuff.
basically my life is all about school. haha
so yesterday was my close cousin's wedding. and the wedding is so cool!
plus emotional. long story.
btw, i hate the two of
THEM. they're like giving the hey-look-at-me-im-popular-and-cool attitude. like, HERGH!!!! hate them. my alter ego:
totally!ouh, didnt update for RCH!!!
okay, so the whole of four'six turn up with their traditional costume. its like so cool!
i wore this kungfu type of chinese costume. hahah. so i was the contestant for my class as the best dress competition. like duh, i didnt win! hahah. cause i didnt actually know what i was wearing. i think i got the lowest score/point. who cares.
ouh yarh that day miss wong is like so super uber happy with us. we actually miss the geography period. and miss wong didnt even say anything. haha. sometimes she can be cool, sometimes she can drool! haha. *i think she is suffering from multiple personality.
i think i will stop here cause meeting diana later. going starbucks to study.
ouh yah F&N tomorrow. the test again. hahaha
-love four'sixers'zero'seven *random!
With Love(:
Monday, July 23, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

-credits to deanaa :D
okay first of all, i have no mood to like talk or anything cause that bloodyidiot
spoil my day! how mean is that?!
basically its all about the MT oral exam. its very obvious that i screw it up. well, i dont wanna choose malay for my top 3 subjects. its like duh!
as you all know i dont really talk malay at home and my mum is like advicing me stop talking too much english and start talking, watching and listening to malay shows and songs.
maybe shes right in some way.
okay, get back to the oral. luckily, i sat beside deanna, so i wouldnt be that tense! well, i did abit.
so, went there at the practice area/table. and i keep asking the teacher how many more minutes. so lmao right. =.=
so went to the teachers. and the guy teacher sucks!!!! like whatsup with him. like i did something wrong and stare at me like some kind of a jerk! HURGH!!!
okay so the topic is about spending time activity
as usual i will say i play the flute, cause i dont know how to say tuba in malay. ahahha
BERIADAH??? i dont know whether its correct or not, the spelling.
this is my first time getting to know this word. so i "thick-skinned" and asked whats the meaning. well, its better to ask the meaning than be out of point right?
URGH!!! then *screw up oral*talk gibberishly to the teacher*go down the stairs....*
met khairul they all at the canteen. you know what, khairul said this to me.
Syafiq: how was it?
Khairul: its was easy.
Syafiq: really?
Khairul: ya. then what about your conversation? you talk all the way in english is it?
Syafiq: uh?????!!!! like wth .
hahaha. :D
okay so met with deanna and the rest. rizwanah cried. pity her sey. you know what, when she was telling her point of view, the guy teacher YAWN!!!!
his so mean! + rude+retarded+stupid. ' nuff said
okay ending here.
AJA AJA FIGHTING!!! (koren for "GO FOR IT!!!) * i think ;)
With Love(:
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
ouh gosh!!!! theres something wrong with my laptop!!!
gonna fix it. got warranty card!!!
hurgh!!!! shahreen, you got to help me!!!
okay, been busy memorising notes this past few weeks. very stressful. ):
er, its like 4 more weeks to prelim exams. and like 2 more months to Ns.
scary, but hope to get to sec5. all the best my dear SYAFIQ!!!
okay, now having threesome chat with diana and zx. figuring ways to kick our butt to study outdoors since, indoors doesn't really have that power. okay, im talking gibberish!
i hate her!!! whatsup with her nowadays? PMS??? wait, shes too old.
ergh!!!, then whats the problem with her?
she wrote " undisturbed rainforest" on the notes. but when we say it, she says its the wrong answer. like!!!!???? hurgh!!!! im gonna prove to her that i can an A1 for my humans.
whatever it takes! bring it on, old hag!!!!
okay, now wanna like rest for a bit and study after that.
erhg. been stressful this days.
btw, i got the campus superstar admission ticket form xubin. hahaha.
first time going! coolie!
With Love(:
Friday, July 13, 2007
Saturday, July 07, 2007

-i just love the class tee! :D
okay, so yesterday was the sports day and let me tell you, it was the bestest sports day ever in my entire life in woodlands ring secondary school!!!!
hahaha. i think its becuase of the lovely people around me!!!
okay, so met rizwana and gang at woodlands interchange. i reached about 20 min earlier than the rest so as to avoid me being late like last year. hahaha. i know people hate being waited.
okay, so walked to the stadium. ouh yarh, had famous amos chocolate cookies for breakfast,
obviously im exagerating.
okay, so reached there about 7.20 like that. hahaha
overhaul, we're late!
so skip to the cheerleading part. its like so cool larh. cause our class is the only one wearing bright lime green on that day!!!! its like we're supporting for the live earth thing. hahaha.
geography student mah!!!
okay, so diana did this cheerleading routine and im the one that carry her while JJ and JH put their legs side by side so that diana can put both of her legs on their thighs. hahha. so it was pretty much like that. its so fun!!!!
miss gomez said this " four-six so far is the best one..."
its like duh, sarcastic remarks! hypocrite!
or is it not... hahaha
4/5 won!!! they're actually very good. they use dance. hahaha.
so the racing part is actually cool. i was like cheering with miss wong!!!! hahaha.
i was like " A-MIT-PALL!!!!!!!" and the rest too.
so far, i can see that the class really bond with each other. its like so cool!
imagine when we reached sec 5! thats great!
so after that, went to pizza hut! ate the curry baked rice. so yummy!!!!!!
worth the money. yummi-yummi!
okay after that went home with mariah. hahaha. she so cool larh.
talked and went home.
Labels: 4/6 loves, bestest sports day ever
With Love(:
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Ns english oral is like okay!
the passage part was okay, i know i did well for that part. the picture description is like okayokay, except that the examiner point out two question for it. then comes th hard part!!!!
its so drama! er, its the conversation! the question is like all tourist-related question!
so in my mind i was like scanning through my geography tourism notes!
okay i did answer the question with proper english! *pats on the head*
so, i think i did fairly well. not that big who-ah kind of marks! hahhaa...
Monday/ 2 July 07 went out with saleha to study our F&N mini test!
studied at esplanade library- again, thats the most quietest library in singapore!!!
after studying, went to marina square to window shop cause im like so broke!
hahaha, but have a rough idea on what to buy and wear for my cousins wedding this month!
okay, i think all the things i want is from ZARA-men's collection.
so blahblahblah, went home at around 9 plus??? i dont know, forgotten!
Tuesday/ 3 July 07 F&N test was okay, managable! did riverside paper i think, hahaha.
then after that, mdm aishah bake for us chocolate muffins which is so scrumptous!!!
er, she also made appricot/peach cheesecake and lastly tuna sandwices!!! its like so sweet of her to do this kind of thing for us!
after that, i dont know what happen. er, went out with diana and zx to study and complete our homework at the civics library. for once, the library is like deserted!!!
*exagerating again*
lesser people, i mean. hahaha.
ouh yarh, bought candy floss but get one free, so gave one to zx since she wants to buy it too. hahaha. so sweet of the aunty. :D
so blahblah, went home.
Todaygot a talk about blogging and surfing pornography sites. like wathever =.=
so lame.
okay after that was english. so boring again and next is ss.
ss is getting interesting for me. i love it!!!
you know, we have to like love the subjects in order for us to get an A for it.
my theory. *a dumb one, i guess*
okay, lets skip the oral part. hahaa
ouh yarh, malay class is like so fun cause zhafran is like so funny!
i dont know, his the funny type of guy, eventhough his jokes can be very lame. but just now was like so funny!!!!!
okay thats about it. cant wait for sports day!!! and er, good luck to the people taking the oral tomorrow.
shits!!!! gym class tomorrow! hate it!
Labels: so much drama
With Love(:
Wednesday, July 04, 2007