Saturday, June 30, 2007
wokay, band investiture just now. it went okay but things went upside down. hahaha
sir was angry at us for not playing according to standard. hahaha
okay so, i was the emcee. it was okay but i shook alot!!! its so obvious. -.-
but, miss heng say i was good. miss heng is so cute larh.
hahaha. surprisingly, filzah, atiqah and mr lee came!!! i was like so shocked!
thanks for coming. okay, er, got presents from jieying and jane. i love my to gfs alot!
this is what they give me.
so cute right??? the chocs is from jieying and the bear is from jane! hahah. love both of them loads (:
okay so after that went to have refreshment at the canteen. it was fun!!!!
sakinah and syafiqah is so cool. we went to like so many places in the school to take sexynaughtybitchy photos. hahaha. heres some of it.

hahaha, she's hot! of course, every HD lovers is hot. hahaa
okay, lame. but its true!!!!
so after the celebrations at the canteen, went to the after party at seoul garden with,
junyong, junhao, jeremy, kelly, shah, kok, zp, coco, cat, adr, jac, faris and lastly roy.
they're such great people. hahaa.
here are some photo that i took inside the seoul garden.
natural special effects. very nice :D

they're great people!!!
when eating. hahaha. my face sucks la. hahaha
actually i got alot of photos i took at seoul garden. i took with faris, jeremy, roy and joanne. but all is inside someone else's phone. hurgh, so if i got it then i post. hahaa
jeremy is like so funny. i never knew he could be soooo funny. he did this thing like mr bean stuffing all the food under the tissue, under the plate and inside the gravy. hahaa. he so funny!!!
we spent like 377 bucks i think. hahahaha. alot!
after that we took alot of photos everywhere! we went to civic. went to the highest floor and we hang around. took this photos.
cool uh. if you're wondering who is in the floor below me, it is actually adr and shah. hahaha.
this pic is like so nice! i love it!!!
after that people complain, so we were ask to leave. hahaha. like wth larh!
after that, sit and relax at the civic centre outside, at the garden there. i think.
hahaha. roy, kok, jeremy played ball games. the rest all singsingsing and crap around. so fun lah.
after that at 8 pm went home. reached at 8.30 like that. hahaa. so late hor?
so, to end this post, maybe all of us is doing this at home....
With Love(:
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
There is so many things i wanna buy!!!well spend my day outside with my bro. basically, went to esplanade library to finish up all my homework which is about to complete. yes!
halfway through! i really enjoy going to esplanade libary as it is the only library that i can find in singapore that is soooo peaceful!
so did my F&N, which is a killer, actually i did it before the school holidays but my handwriting is like so shuckies so decided to redo. i also did my english homework. left the essay alone first. malay i done it already.
soooo, left with physics, ss and geography. talking about geography, er... maybe i left it alone cause im like so tired to revise.
so, tomorrow is like band and i dont think so i could wake up. hahaha.
usually i will wake up around 12??? hahha. band starts at 8 tomorrow.
wish me good luck in waking up!!!
after doing homework for like 4 hours or so, went to marina square to have dinner. ate at burger king. er, the meal is so pathetic- I AM PATHETIC!!! :'(
so walk around and saw all the things i wanted!!!! er, maybe after Ns i will go shopping till im broke!!!! hahha. i still have to shop for my very close cousin's wedding. er, maybe i should just wear simple. iwantabeanie!!!! its like so cool wearing it. hahaha.
so went to topman, actually im not into topman collection. cause the clothing really look cheap, but some of them looks expensive. so, its better to shop somewhere else to get the exact same thing.
went to zara, saw this cardigan!!! gosh i want it so bad!!! but dont worry shahreen, i wont wear it durng the wedding. i will wear it on casual occasions not formal. hahaha.
so went to buy hot chocolate. i realy love it, especially holding the cup! you know the one where you order take-out coffee at starbucks or something. hahha. looks chic.
thanks to blondie/haylie/steph for the wordwell, went to sakinahs. claim the saxophone cause her sister wont be coming band tomorrow due to leadership camp at school. :D
well, should start saving money now, cause i will shopshopshop after Ns!!!! hahha.
wokay something really creep me out, i was watching hilary duff new video, stranger, and dad suddenly say he likes her too. he say hilary duff is also his type. so i replied, "maybe i got the genes from you..." hahaha. really funny. so, as usual, dad will talk about it about his life experience and he start giving my dating tips. hahha. coolie! :D
The Blonde Theorysaw this book with this title. cool uh?
okay talking about blonde, my bro and i is like so dumb!
okay, theres this beatle flying about, so when it stick onto the wall, my bro quickly caught it. after that we let it free but it flew back inside th house and everyone just dug and scream, without doing anything. hahaha.
really funny!
so my bro went to buy chocs downstairs. hahha. really hungry.
wokay, i will be eating my chocs now, i think ;)
With Love(:
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
okay fantastic 4 is like sooo superb!
better than the first one!
okay so nothing happen this few days, and i still have not done my homework! its like so many. humps!
i only know one person that have done her homework. that is so pathetic.
okay enough crap about homework and stuff.
well, mum and dad is going to a birthday party beside my dad. well decided not o go cause im like feeling so fatigue. my body is like on fire like that. so hot, even though its like in the afternoon and raining. hahaha
yesterday went to mosque for prayers. it was rather normal. except theres like a lot of people suddenly coming, ouh yarh, its holidays which is like going to end very soon! miss the holidays -.- okay fine! the holidays really doesnt feel like a holiday cause i've been going out and not doing my homework. there it goes again, talking about homework. back to square one!
okay back to the mosque thing, after that er... cant really remember. blahblahblah went home! feeling really lerthagic! nowadays im like so restless. hais
okay, so... er, today is father's day??? are you sure? i dont really know cause my dad is like talking about the difference between fathers day and mothers day. so lmao. hahaha.
my brother's blog is like so happening! go check out his blog and go to the tagboard. lots and lots of spammers. if there is this program where you guys can search for spammers through our tagboard, it will make our lives much more better! :D
where is einstein when you need one?!
okay wanna go now.
With Love(:
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
YEAH! im back! hahah
okay im pretty excited cause theres two things that make my day today!
firstly, gotten an IM from mary saying that there will be an NCO outing!
which is like so cool! i miss alot of my nco friends especially haidah and ben! hahha. the outing is on 17th june which is on sunday. i dont know whether it is confirm. dont really know much details.
secondly, my wish from the previous post came true!!! im so glad he got it! hahaha.
that will be it! a very short post for me! hahha.
update later :D
With Love(:
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
i want my old life backband just now. it was okay but i wasnt really satisfied with my playing.
okays, so jieying improved like alot! :D
talking about jieying, you guys should see her face, she looks like some korean girl playing the tuba! really, now i will greet her-
ANIYASAYO! hahaha. love her!
after band practice, went to have lunch/dinner with shah, kel, faris and ffe. - but ffe went home and decided not to have to lunch/dinner cause he wanna
beri-beri -credits to blondie for the word.
okay, i was like super hungry during band cause i ate 1 SNEAKERS choc bar for breakfast. - see, my life is so pathetic. haha:P
ouh yarh, saw xubin and celeste at causeway. waved and walk away.
at least he smile cause he doesnt really smile. hahha
ouh, er, i was like so surprise that xubin went out of the competition. junjie should got out!!! hahaha, i dont know cause i prefer xubin's voice then his. hahha.
so, the house is like full of sadness. haha. but not me! my horoscope says that this month, im very bubbly! hahha
okay lame.
*some random stuff
if a genie would grant me three wishes, it would be
1) daddy to have his _______ back.
2) mummy to start ________.
3) my old life back!!!!
it feels like this year im soooo workout!
last year is like so free, less homework for june holidays and im free to do anything and hangout with my darls. humps!
*end of random stuff
talking about june holidays homework, shit, i still got 5 more subjects to complete! ouh gosh!
read diana's blog. she's sick! ouh gosh! get well soon girl! :D
tomorrow cooking for the whole family. tom yam soup, i think :P
hahaha, hope it turns out nice! :D
okay, tomorrow no band practice but MAYBe going out with saleha'loves to study! hahah. love her sooo much!
okay wanna log off, update some other time.
With Love(:
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Friday, June 01, 2007
JUNE!!! ouh gosh, its already june!
n level is like so near and i still dont know whether im ready.
im so fustrated right now! once again its my annoying brother!
he just being shuckies today.
forget about him.
okay, so today went to intensive.
basically, its only maths and its only 1 hour.
i dont really know whats the lessons motive is.
did this n level paper, paper 2.
so blahblah. went home.
so, bought two curry puff and lemon barley drink.
yeah i sound sooo pathetic!
i was hungry at that time, what do you expect!
went home, read book and went to sleep.
woke up at 2, yeah i did not go prayers :X
i was too tired!
so played board game with my annoying brother.
blahblahblah, watch tv and done.
yeah i know, my life is full of crap and its plain boring!
update later!
With Love(:
Friday, June 01, 2007