Sunday, May 27, 2007

im like sooo happy yesterday as well as today!!!
well, went shopping with family!
went to vivocity!
bought alot of stuff!
and.....i bought....
ouh gosh i soooo
love her!
im like listening to it right now!
ouh yarh, i
hearts candy empire!!!
bought willy wonka chocs!
love it!
so, ate dinner at macs!
ate the new one, the one with the shaker fries.
its been a long time since i ate the shaker fries.
ouh yarh, yesterday i bumped into this caucasion guy.
he said sorry and i said sorry, so i continue to talk to my sis.
my younger sis at the back says i like very rude, never say sorry and just turn back to my elder sis and continue to talk.
i was like, huh?
my younger sis say when i did that, he look at me like some fcuk up face.
wathever, he is in the hurry to catch up the next train.
okay now, wanna continue listening to hilary duff songs!!!
With Love(:
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
hey lovelies!
well yesterday was the survivor reunion!
gosh! i love survivor.
hahaha, cant wait for the next season, which is at china!
cant wait!
well yesterady was the meet the parents session.
went to do duty tentatively 4pm.
it was boring at first as i was put at the most stupidest place ever!
so chat with junhong, both of us were just bored!
so, blahblahblah, meet mr kheng for dinner-mac's!!! hahah
so stayed on till 7pm for the parenting seminar talk. this time i was put at the main gate!!!!
i love doing at main gate!!!- loves
so, thats it
went to buy bubbletea with JH,JJ and atikah.
JJ treat us. so lovely of him to treat us. =.=
hahaha. jkjk
thanks JJ
then went home with JH.
gotten results during geog lessons. miss wong is like lecturing us about our results for about 2 whole periods!
how boring is that!
so heres my result:
Malay- 5
Maths- 5
Science (chem,phy)- 1Comb Humans (S,G)- 4
F&N- 5
by miss wongmuhammad syafiq is a determined and self-motivated learner. he is able to strike a good balance between CCA and his studies. As a prefect, he also discharges his duties with a sense of pride. He is an
optimist and (rises to every challenge.)<---
?hahhaa. yayaya, i know i've done so bad this time around.
IM A TEN POINTER!!!!!i really want to get lower than that!
its all because of F&N!!!!
okay wanna stop here.
With Love(:
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
well, change blogskin. this is just for awhile.
till i get a better skin. hahaha
so, bare with it.
well today went to the national stadium with the class
the place is full of memories. not the stadium but for me. haha
well, get to sit at the VIP seats.
at last, i get to seat there before it is being demolishedthe VIP waititng area is the best!!! well it is so not fair for people who is seating under the sun. the VIP room is air conditioned!!! so get the chance too.
actually that place is for the prime minister during NDP.
okay, the stadium is like so big as there is no people around performing.
so went down to the museum. *
surprisingly there is a musuem therethe museum doesnt make me go *whoah!*
its like a typical musuem. hahaha.
then walk2 around the stadium from the east to the west entrance, or is it the other way round? okay wathever. it was quite boring.
then went to the clinic for the athletes. *
surprisingly there is a clinic thereafter that went to the gyms. *
surprisingly... you know what i mean!blahblablah, we're done!
okay so i was sick in the bus- motion sickness
actually it was a sudden one.
okay so ate in school.
didnt go band. something comes up at home. thursday will be coming.
okay logging off now.
With Love(:
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
i still believe in destinyhey dude/dudettes!
DONE with F&N!!! its finally over! at last!
okay, later at 8 pm have to watch channel U because got my classmate on tv. his not singing- boohoo:( . according to zx, he is just playing game on stage. hahaha. cant wait for the campus superstar 2!!! i have to hear him sing!
okay well, now i wanna watch movie which i rent a few days back.
errr, feel like eating popcorn! hahha
so random.
gotten back my english paper 2. scored 47/80! actually quite good already but still, i envy my dear diana in getting 51! hahaha. ouh yarh, and zx who scored 53! but the highest is still joey who scored 60!!!!
he is now classified under my not-to-talk-to list. hahaha
okay yesterday was the band performance at civic centre there. quite grand larh. tuba section sat on the chair while the rest of the section have to stand for about 40 mins while waiting for the VIP to come. i pity them. hahaha. okay so played the song. blahblahblah. went to school and done. haha.
ouh, almost forgot, before changing into my band u, something happen really makes me scared.
this is what happen.
i went inside the toilet and saw the cleaner . the cleaner is an indian woman. so i was shy to change outside so i went inside a cubicle. when i got out of the cubicle, the whole toilet was like dark. i was like in a different dimension. so i went to the toilet door and unfortunately it was lock from outside. the aunty locked it. i was like trembling inside. this is what my alter ego wanted to do:
kick the door really hard till its broken and sue the cleaner.
but too bad, i will be caught as vandalism. so i knocked the door really2 hard. the aunty quickly open the door and let me breathe the fresh air. okay wathever.
just now saw xubin at music in the air. hahaha, his entrance is very funny. hahaha. btw, the girl with the dark blue uniform is really pretty!- i like ;)
okay wathever. wanna log off now. wanna watch music in the air!!! hahaha.
With Love(:
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
If life is unfair, why does roses have thorns?okay, here i am blogging away. herm, went to rent videos.
done watching one of them.
okay, now i really dont know what im gonna do. hahaha
its getting boring each time i stay at home.
okay update later.
tata~ HD <3
With Love(:
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
hey beautiful disaster people!!!
im kinda bored at home.
didnt go for friday prayers as i thought today was saturday. humps!
okay so everyone at home is like doing their own thing.
i wanna watch MY GIRL! it is a korean drama. the series is actually quite old. hahaha
okay, baked mash potato for everyone at home. they were very hungry so i thought i cook something. hahaha
the baked mash potato was okay but my bro and sis says it is tasteless. humps!
well, look on the bright side, it is a healthier choice of cooking.
herm, the band will be having another gig at NKF centre there. hence the seniors have to come on monday and tuesday as wednesday is the performance. well, tuba section will be the most troublesome one on wednesday. wathever.
well, now im like listening to HD again! but different song- DIGNITY!!!
i wanna buy the album!!!
i still hate the girl at popular!
okay, wanna watch some korean drama! update soon!
With Love(:
Friday, May 11, 2007
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Listening: With Love
By: Hilary Duff
OH GAWD! im like soooo love HD!!!!
she is like so gorgeous! saw her latest album at popular. its like only 20 bucks.
gonna buy it!!!
hate her! actually its someone at popular. i went to take a second look at HD and when i put back the CD, she took it and say loudly infront of me, "EEEWWW she looks so old. she is soooo ugly!!!"
like whatever. you dont have to say it out loud right? stupid-S
okay back to reality, uhmmm, just finished my F&N, and yes my last paper for MYE.
made lotsa mistake but who cares its just Mid year!!!
the rest of the paper was okay. maths was shuckish. F&N was shuckies.
yerp, i think almost the paper is shuckies. but i did my best and no regrets.
okay, the girls in the family will be having a girls night out maybe on saturday. watching the jangan pandang belakang. is it spelt like that? hahaha
currently texting and beeping my one and only HD lover- Sakinah!!!
hahaha, talking about HD as usual. hahaha
okay, now going to log off. update tomorrow, if im at home and theres nothing to do
With Love(:
Wednesday, May 09, 2007