Monday, February 26, 2007
OMG!!! the ss test is like omgLah.
okay fine, whatever shit. whats the past is the past. hahaha.
okay well, due to
popular demand some people asking me to update, i will update.
hahaha. okay yeaterday is like sooooo tiring. cause some people have no sense of direction. no offence. ouh wait, i think im the one who does not have the sense od direction.
ouh whatever.
okay so the _________ is like sooo fun. except that i was like thinking about all the test that i have not study. so , to ________ thats why i feel like not excited like that. im scared that i might fail the test.
okay, i dont know whether i can make it through cause i just dont feel like becoming a _____.
its like n level year and i should really focus on something that i need, not a want.
and thanks to kelly, _____ and _________, for believing in me. but sorry you guys, i dont fell like i can make it.
okay so, today after school went to have lunch with nisa and rizwana. after that went straight home cause tomorrow got geography and chemistry test.
so i should be studying now. love studying geography and getting
full good marks.
i hope i will get full marks. hahaha.
okay, studyingstudyingstudying. hahaha.
i sound so desperate hahaha
okay, update maybe tomorrow???
byebye B&Js (:
With Love(:
Monday, February 26, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Venue: Computer lab,
Stupid F&N lesson
okay, this is bad. im not suppose to blog right now. mdm aishah is right infront!!! hahhaa
btw, catch phrase for today: stop opening your mouth and start opening your mind!!!
this is soooo lame. how are we suppose to open our mind????
ouh look. Zhixuan is blogging too --------------------->
okay update more later.
With Love(:
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
boredom strikes againokay well, today is like the MOST, and YES boring day ever!!!
mum, dad and sis went out to this carnival which is like so far away...
ouh wait, its at sembawang. WTH!
well its far to me.
well let me see.
me and diana going for the _______ for the ____ ______ thing.
maybehope we can make it.
younger sis playing the sax and bro playing the flute.
band MADNESS!!! hahaha
me no tuba *sobsobs*
mummy gave me 15 bucks to buy food and stuff.
i wanna buy ice cream!!! real badly.
okay, im talking crap.
im here to kill my time.
okay omg, their sound clash so badly!!!
sis just blast away and bro cannot reach the high notes.
what do u get, sound MADNESS!!!
okay, i will update later. wanna watch some videos.
say good luck to me for the __________!!!
here are some pictures kelkel took. hahaha
thats abou it. bye :)
With Love(:
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!this year chinese new year celebration is so boring. okay yeah, i know its a bit different from last year, yeahyeahyeah. BUT.... its always the same thing. BAZAAR!!! even though its fun to buy stuff but its so expensive. hahaha.
omg, my stomach, my arms, my leg and YES my neck hurts so much. thanks to mr ong!
he make us do different types of crunches under the sun. OMG!!!
note to self- go to the doctor and ask for an MC every lesson of PE!
okay back to the
boring fun chinese celebration in school.
actually, the performance was great. this time they perform infront of the general office to make a difference. thanks to the organiser.
luckily its not in the hall hahaha
okay wait, now my back hurts. ouch!!!
its like aching everywhere.
okay, wanna watch some movies.
update later. bybye...
With Love(:
Friday, February 16, 2007
Saturday, February 03, 2007
hey, omg! im waiting for the survivior reunion.
hahaha, btw, i know who won the game. hahaha
ITS ____!!! hahaha.
okay, kelly introdeuced some song to me. and its this ireeplacable male version
its quite funny, but for kelly, its like REAL funny.
okay so just now got prefect duty as usual.
blahblahblah, im stress right now cause n level is like so fast.
cant take it.!!! hahaha
i know some n level graduates must be saying this " NLEVEL EASY LARH!!!"
hahaha, for them only.
okay tags reply:
Kelly: been very busy with stuff as usual. and I LOVE THAT SONG!!! hahahaAisyah: yerp, hahahaha. thanks for taggingokay survivor is coming up.
i will be sleeping at 1.30
am today.
cheese out!!!
With Love(:
Saturday, February 03, 2007